Sunday, March 31, 2013

First Photo Shoot

Connor had his first photo shoot done by the awesome Claire Cruz.  Claire did a great job even with a very reluctant subject.  You know how most baby pictures feature pictures of the baby sleeping...our big guy did not fall asleep even once.  He still looks adorable though...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Two Weeks Stats

Connor went to the doctor today for his two week checkup (technically almost 3 weeks).  His stats are:

Weight - 10 lbs 9 oz (91st percentile)

Height - 21 3/4 inches (86th percentile)

Although I can't remember his exact head size, needless to say he has a "Sand" head...85th percentile

Overall, we have a well put together kid...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Go Bulls!!

Ryan got a special gift in the mail from Grandma & Grandpa Sand...a Bulls jersey!! Needless to say, he has either worn or asked to wear the jersey (and shorts) everyday since.

Big Brother Ryan

While we were at the hospital with Connor, Ryan had a parade of visitors stay with him.  Here is just a glimpse of what went on while Mom and Dad were away (hint: lots of spoiling was involved)...

Excited to show off his new shirt at school 
(photo credit: Kaylee Golden) 

Building a snowman with Papa

Dora with Uncle Drew & Kate Kate

Connor Joseph

Better late than never...

Our family has grown a little bit in the last few weeks.  On Thursday March 7th at 1:27am, Connor Joseph Sand was born. 

Like his big brother Ryan, Connor was born at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago…and also like his brother, was a “well-put-together baby” at 8lbs 14oz.

Since we’ve brought him home from the hospital, he’s fit right in.  He enjoys watching his brother play hockey, basketball, etc and snuggling with Mom and Dad.

One of the things we were a little concerned about was how Ryan would react to someone else taking some of our attention.  So far, he’s been a fantastic big brother.  He’s always eager to help and loves giving his brother hugs and kisses.

Throughout our trip to the hospital, we had lots of help from family.  So thanks guys…we couldn’t have done it without you.