Thursday, May 23, 2013

Guess who's 3?

Today our little boy turned three.  There are so many things I could write about him but in the interest of being brief (kind of), here are the top 5 things to know about Ryan at age 3.

1.  Sports, sports and more sports

If you come to our house, you will be required to play sports.  Not just one sport, many sports…football, basketball, baseball, golf, hockey, tennis, soccer, volleyball, and kickball.  Each sport is played for approximately 4 minutes and then it is on to the next one.  For a three year old, he is surprisingly good at everything.

2. Family Love

Ryan loves nothing more than spending time in Dwight and Hollowayville.  He can’t wait to play at the park with Kate.  He loves his brother more than anything.  When I used to pick Ryan up from school, I would get a “Mommy” and a big hug.  Now, when Connor and I pick him up, I get a “Mommy” and the hug goes to Connor.  I’m okay with that…I would love nothing more for my boys to be best friends.

3. Everybody Talks

A year ago, Ryan was just starting to talk.  Now all he does is talk.  He always asks Matt how his day was.  He checks in with me to see how Connor is doing.  He is impossible to resist when he asks you to snuggle with him.  He tells us that he loves us.  

4. Outside Play

He loves being outside (preferably playing sports).  We spend an inordinate amount of time at the zoo (that membership paid for itself in about 2 weeks) and love going to the many parks by us.  The only issue Ryan has with the outdoors is mud.  He is always concerned about the cleanliness of his shoes.  

5. Kensington Fun

Ryan loves going to school (most days).  He talks about his friends all the time.  He has learned so much.  He can count to 10 in Spanish and 20 in English (although he always misses 16).  He amazes me each day with the things he know…”look Mom, a blue jay!”

Ryan, thank you for being such a special little boy.  We are lucky to be your parents.  Love you to the moon and back!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

 Hanging with Grandma & Grandpa

 Golfing with Grandpa

Aunt Kaylee 

Mother's Day Baseball  

My boys 

The fam!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Best Big Brother

Ryan loves his fact, all he wants to do is be by him at all times (with some hugs and kisses thrown in).  Ryan always tells him good night and then says "I love you Connor".  It melts my heart...

Uncle Drew's BBQ

On Saturday, we headed to beautiful Dwight, IL to cheer on Uncle Drew in a BBQ contest.  Coming as no surprise to anyone who has been lucky enough to have Drew cook for them, he came in first place overall (and won a trophy that I'm guessing Erin "lost" somewhere).

During the BBQ (and while I was back at the Sand residence taking care of Connor), Kate & Ryan decided they wanted to go on a ride.  Since some people can't handle kids' rides (Erin & Matthew), the kids went solo.  Luckily, they loved it!

On Friday, my parents came to La Grange to visit the kids and help with some things around the house.  Ryan and Connor loved having them around!

2 Months Old

Connor was 2 months old yesterday and to celebrate he had 3 shots.  The shots made him sleepy/cranky/irritable so we held off on his photo shoot until today.  Of course, big brother Ryan had to get in on the action :)


14.9 pounds (95th percentile)
23.5 inches (73rd percentile)
15.9 head size (68th percentile - how can he even call that a "Sand" head??)

Too cute!! 

Let me be Ryan! can stay