Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Big One!

Well that didn’t take long…..

I think we’ve said this to lead off your older siblings’ 1st birthday posts, so why change now.

Despite being our “smallest” baby, Quinn came into the world with considerably more fire and passion than her older brothers. Thankfully, she calmed down within a few hours.

Quinn has been a solid addition to the Sand Family.
She’s an eager travel partner….

A good eater….


Good-natured and quick with a smile (usually)…..

But she’s also not afraid to mix it up with her brothers (who she loves VERY much)

And has little time for snuggling these days now that she’s on the move

Q – We couldn’t have asked for a better first year and are so proud to have you as our “girl teamer” (as Ryan would say).  We’re excited to see what the future holds (mom is really hoping for some more hair, if possible).  Happy Birthday, Q!!!!  We love you!!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Kindergarten Stud

Ryan started school a week and half ago and I'm finally ready to write about it.  As expected, he loves school.  In fact, he is ready to leave the house pretty much the minute he wakes up which is unnecessary given that school is literally a two minute walk.  He's really enjoying making new friends (although he still doesn't really know anyone's name).  Given what he talks about every day, I'm pretty sure his school day consists of only recess, gym and computer lab.  I'm hoping there is maybe some other learning going on there as well.

First day of school 

So excited 

Hugs for Connor 

Take 1 

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