Friday, March 7, 2014

One Year of Fun & Snuggles!

366 days ago I was getting ready to go mall walking with Erin to, as I put it, "Get this kid out of here." It turns out we didn't need the walk as my water broke about 20 minutes before I was going to leave.  As I waited for Matt to pack (what?!!), I prayed that this labor would be easier (and much shorter) than Ryan's.  My prayers were answered! My water broke around 7 pm and we welcomed Connor Joseph in to our family at 1:27 am on March 7, 2013.  Needless to say, Ryan was thrilled to have a brother!!

Fast forward a year and we have an amazing little boy in our lives.  He is almost always happy (just keep him fed) and very laid back (just like his dad).  He has loved his brother from day one and Ryan feels the same way.  Connor loves nothing more than snuggling with mom and dad in bed first thing in the morning.  He gives the best hugs and loves playing in the bath with his brother.  He is already a pro at walking and has been trying out some "running".  He loves reading books and will back his butt up in to your lap to have you to read to him.

We couldn't be more blessed to have this baby zoo lion in our lives and can't wait to see what the future has in store for him.  We love you Connor!!

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