Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Big Guy!!

It has been so much fun to watch Ryan change week to week, month to month, etc.  In the past few weeks, he has started to show some independence.  He likes putting clothes in the hamper, hanging his coat up and choosing what he wears (see picture below).   He loves, football and hockey (or hock as he calls it) are his favorites.  He is alway running around with some sort of ball in his hand.  February was also a big month for family birthdays...Grandpa Scott, Uncle Mike, Cousin Kate and someone's 30th.  We celebrated with some chocolate cake which Ryan loved!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Happy 1st birthday to the one and only Kate Eder!! We love you and can't wait to see you on Saturday!!

Ryan also sent Kate a special happy birthday video today...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Road Trip!

On Saturday, we made a trip to Wenona, IL to watch Uncle Mike coach his 7th grade basketball team in the Elite-8.  Even though the team didn't win, it was a great game and Mike did a great job coaching all season long!!