Tuesday, November 25, 2014

2 months old!!

Quinn turned two months old on Saturday.  She celebrated by sleeping 8 hours straight!! She has been a great baby so far and is very easy going.  She has been smiling like crazy and her brothers can't get enough of her.  Her two month stats are 11 pounds (43rd percentile), 22.8 inches long (65th percentile) and a Sand head of 15.8 inches (92nd percentile).

Monday, November 10, 2014

Just hanging out...

We've been spending the last few weeks laying low in anticipation of the holidays and the craziness that comes with them.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Halloween Weekend

The boys (as evidenced by the photo below) are not huge Halloween fans.  Ryan wanted to be "zero" for Halloween meaning nothing.  He ended up changing his mind and being a football guy which didn't vary much from his usual clothing.  Connor went as a "crying" lion for the 2 minutes he wore his costume.  Ryan did enjoy handing out candy and liked talking to the kids who were at the door.  Quinn enjoyed watching the madness...

So this happened... 

Too much to handle 

What is going on?

On Saturday, Ryan, Quinn and I headed to Fairbury to celebrate Elsa's first birthday.  It was a great party and Ryan had tons of fun playing with Elsa and her cousins.  Matt & Connor had to miss the party due to another ear infection for Connor.

The birthday girl!!