Tuesday, January 27, 2015

4 months old!

This cutie turned 4 months old last week.  She weighs 12 lb 12 oz, is 24.8 inches long and has a Sand head.  

Likes: napping with Mom, laughing at her brothers, sitting in her bumbo 

Dislikes: napping without Mom, tummy time


Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Three Amigos!

We have been very lucky with how well the boys have adapted to having a new sister.  It would be fair to say that they are obsessed with her.  As soon as she gets up, everyone has to hug and kiss her.  Ryan loves holding her and keeps saying he wants to keep her forever.  Good thing...

Morning snuggles!

Connor wanted Quinn to lay next to him and then we wanted a picture taken.  It's amazing how much he's talking now.

 Snuggle time

Goofy guy 

 Connor loves his baths

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Three Months Old!!

Quinn turned 3 months old December 22nd!!

Likes:  Sleeping at night, snuggling, watching her brothers play and her swing

Dislikes:  Napping, tummy time

Happy New Year!!

2014 was a great year for the Sand family.  We were all generally healthy (minus some ear infections) and we shared lots of laughter and fun times with family and friends.  We also were blessed with a baby girl and our boys have grown by leaps and bounds throughout the year.  Ryan is becoming quite the little man and Connor is talking more and more and really letting his personality shine!! I was lucky enough to be able to take a long maternity leave and will be heading back to work starting tomorrow.  I have very mixed feelings about this but we know that Quinn will do great just as the other kids did.  I will be looking forward to my days off with them though!!

Here's to a great 2015!!